Dakota League Team Rosters and Statistics
Dakota League, South Dakota League (1920 to 1923)
Level: D
Dakota League Yearly Standings
Dakota League Yearly Leaders
Dakota League Teams
Aberdeen Boosters (1920)
Aberdeen Grays (1921 - 1923)
Fargo Athletics (1922)
Huron Packers (1920 - 1921)
Jamestown Jimkotans (1922)
Madison (1921)
Madison Grays (1920)
Miller Climbers/Jugglers (1920)
Mitchell Kernels (1920 - 1923)
Redfield Red Sox (1921)
Redfield Reds/Red Sox (1920)
Sioux Falls Soos (1920 - 1923)
Valley City Hi-Liners/Bismarck Capitols (1922)
Wahpeton-Breckenridge Twins (1921 - 1922)
Watertown Cubs (1921 - 1923)
Wessington Springs Saints (1920)