Atlantic Association Team Rosters and Statistics

Atlantic Association (1889 to 1890)

1889 | 1890 |

Atlantic Association Yearly Standings
Atlantic Association Yearly Leaders

Atlantic Association Teams

Baltimore Orioles (1890)
Easton (1889)
Hartford (1889)
Hartford Nutmeggers (1890)
Jersey City Gladiators/Harrisburg Athletics (1890)
Jersey City Skeeters (1889)
Lowell (1889)
New Haven (1889)
New Haven Nutmegs (1890)
Newark Little Giants (1889 - 1890)
Norwalk (1889)
Washington Senators (1890)
Wilkes-Barre Coal Barons (1889)
Wilmington Peach Growers (1890)
Worcester (1889)
Worcester/Lebanon (1890)


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