1890 Atlantic Association
The 1890 season was the Atlantic Association's 2nd, and 8 teams competed in the league that year.
Season Began: Saturday, April 19, 1890
Season Ended: Tuesday, September 30, 1890
1890 Atlantic Association Standings
1890 Atlantic Association League Leaders
Baltimore Orioles (77-24) - Roster | Statistics
Hartford Nutmeggers (22-60) - Roster | Statistics
Jersey City Gladiators/Harrisburg Athletics (58-72) - Roster | Statistics
New Haven Nutmegs (82-36) - Roster | Statistics
Newark Little Giants (60-61) - Roster | Statistics
Washington Senators (38-47) - Roster | Statistics
Wilmington Peach Growers (29-66) - Roster | Statistics
Worcester/Lebanon (60-51) - Roster | Statistics
Marker indicates city location, not venue address.