1942 in Minor League Baseball

The Stats Crew has statistics and rosters available for the following minor leagues in 1942:

AA Leagues
American Association
International League
Pacific Coast League

A1 Leagues
Southern Association
Texas League

A Leagues
Eastern League

B Leagues
Illinois-Iowa-Indiana League
Inter-State League
Piedmont League
South Atlantic League
Southeastern League
Western International League

C Leagues
California League
Canadian-American League
Middle Atlantic League
Northern League
Pioneer League
Virginia League
Western Association

D Leagues
Appalachian League
Bi-State League
Evangeline League
Florida East Coast League
Georgia-Florida League
Kentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League
Mountain State League
North Carolina State League
Pennsylvania State Association
Pennsylvania-Ontario-New York League
West Texas-New Mexico League
Wisconsin State League

Independent Leagues
Mexican League

Foreign Major Leagues
Japanese Baseball League

Minor League Teams by Affiliation

American League
Boston Red Sox - 7 teams
Chicago White Sox - 4 teams
Cleveland Indians - 8 teams
Detroit Tigers - 8 teams
New York Yankees - 9 teams
Philadelphia Athletics - 4 teams
St. Louis Browns - 5 teams
Washington Senators - 4 teams

National League
Boston Braves - 5 teams
Brooklyn Dodgers - 10 teams
Chicago Cubs - 10 teams
Cincinnati Reds - 5 teams
New York Giants - 8 teams
Philadelphia Phillies - 2 teams
Pittsburgh Pirates - 7 teams
St. Louis Cardinals - 22 teams


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